Your Supercilious Bullshit Makes You Look Fat, Kevin

Mercenary creep Kevin D. Williamson has a new book out, Big White Ghetto: Dead Broke, Stone-Cold Stupid, and High on Rage in the Dank Woolly Wilds of the “Real America.” According to the description at Amazon,

Unsparing yet never unsympathetic, Big White Ghetto provides essential insight into an enormous but forgotten segment of American society.

I’m trying to think of an unsparing but not unsympathetic way to tell someone they are stone-cold stupid and high on rage. In more recent news, Kevin snarked out a column for NRO, “The Dumbest of Coups”, today:

Trump is a conspiracy kook who surrounded himself with other conspiracy kooks and cultivated kooky impulses in his aides, meaning that he is a kook in himself and the cause of kookery in others. The new Dominion-based conspiracy theory is only a variation on a longstanding theme.

Rather than ask whether conspiracy kookery is relevant to Republican politics at this moment, it would be better to ask if there is anything else to Republican politics at this moment.

Trump didn’t win. He lost to Joe Biden, who hardly even bothered to campaign against him. He may very well end up costing Republicans control of the Senate. He has a better chance of being indicted on criminal charges and/or returning once more to bankruptcy court than he does of serving a second term as president.

Notice in that second snippet he doesn’t say “Trump supporters”, he says “Republican politics”. He really is indicting the whole party and all its factions, and all media to the right of CNN, for being QAnon-addled fantasists. Shit, I can get this kind of thing at Salon.

Everyone knows Kevin D. Williamson is an intermittently-bloated, sweaty-faced glory-hole whore. Not all are aware he is paid handsomely by the enemy to disparage and slander the people who gave NRO its prestige and its moral mission in the first place. Creep.

Both these items were featured on Instapundit today, within a couple hours of each other. Why in God’s green Earth would any Instapundit reader want to hear what Kevin Williamson has to say? Why would we want to be reminded that loathsome troll even exists?