Snail mail is the first resort of patriots

I came across this item; where a patriotic couple, regular fans and attendees of the Real Salt Lake soccer club, got in trouble for displaying a Betsy Ross flag at a game. Flags are permitted, including (for now) American Flags. But the Betsy Ross is now seen as a symbol of hate or whatever, so it had to go. The Chief Business Officer of the soccer club, a fellow by the name of Andy Carroll, said so.

This episode made me so angry I went postal. That is to say, I licked glue and dropped off a letter at the Post Office. The letter was addressed exactly as follows:

Andy Carroll, CBO
Real Salt Lake
9256 South State Street
Sandy, UT 84070

I did include a genuine return address. And here’s what I said to Andy:

September 9, 2019

Andy Carroll
Chief Business Officer
Real Salt Lake

Dear Mr. Carroll,

As an American patriot who has paid a steep price for his country, I was infuriated to learn that a Betsy Ross flag was prohibited at one of your events.

You claim that the Betsy Ross flag has been appropriated by gangs of white bigots. I don’t believe that, but even if true, is it right to let a handful of deviants deprive us of our national symbols? If they really have appropriated it (they haven’t), it means normal people must not abandon it! We must take it back!

The Betsy Ross flag is a beautiful flag; it was the first flag of our nation; the men who fought under that flag went on to drive the first nail in the coffin of slavery. To say that the flag is a symbol of oppression is as ignorant and spiteful as Colin Kaepernick himself.

Look at the real oppression going on this minute in Hong Kong. The protesters there, innocent people who are being teargassed and beaten and disappeared by the police, fly hundreds of American flags including the Betsy Ross. They know what that flag stands for. Why don’t you?

Shame on you, Mr. Carroll. You are a liar. You are a coward. You are no American, and certainly no patriot.

With All My Heart,

Gentle Reader, you might not be comfortable saying you have paid a steep price for your country. Just edit that part out if you like; you can still be a patriot. But post this letter or one like it if you have a minute to spare. With all my heart, I would be glad to learn that Mr. Carroll had received many thousands of these letters. That man deserves to live under a burning cloud of shame.