Final Word: Glenn Reynolds

Let it be stipulated up front that the election was stolen, and everyone knows it. Maybe next Friday I’ll do a Final Word on that specific topic, but you know in your heart I don’t need to. The election was stolen and everyone knows it.

The result will be the shredding of the greatest, the best, the most human formal social contract ever devised, to be replaced by an era of tyranny, terror, and folly on an historically unprecedented scale. That’s a big crime.

So some people stormed the Capitol building as that crime was being consummated. They didn’t have much in the way of unity or purpose. There were almost certainly some provocateurs and false-flaggers in that crowd. The Q Shaman had a nice bod, but he was pretty wince-worthy. At least one nondescript black guy was basically a gawker, wandering around looking at stuff.

Idiots, Patriots, Infiltrators…it doesn’t matter. They had every right to be there. The Capitol belongs to the people, and mostly those people treated their own property with respect.

A respect, by the way, which the Capitol doesn’t deserve. The Capitol is a sewer pipe clogged with Spray-N-Foam, a fecal backwater unfit for human habitation. It is a den of corruption, obscenity, and crime. That is what it is; that is all it is. Any “Government” issuing from this sordid pile of pus is illegitemate; its laws and edicts themselves unlawful and odious to any free man. Punish Law and license Crime, and the People be damned. Then they say this is the Temple of Democracy.

Compared to the Capitol, your local Wal-Mart is a sacred institution. I say that as a man who despises Wal-Mart, who loathes their early capitulation to the mask madness and the way they profited from the demise of America’s Main Street. But Wal-Mart is definitely better than the Capitol.

Wal-Mart provides economic opportunity in the communities which most need it. Idiots who loot justify their conduct on the basis they’re owed it or they need it, and anyway it’s all insured and it’s evil corporations so whatever. But they are actually stealing from their neighbors. Looting the Wal-Mart deprives law-abiding people of livelihood, dignity, and economic opportunity. The cost to Black communities has been disproportionately great.

Spare me this bullshit about how the Capitol is sacrosanct and its Members are on some superior plane. They are the worst people in America, maybe the worst people in the world, possibly the most evil people in human history. Part of me regrets that the people who came in to have a look around turned out to be mostly dumb and obnoxious. Another part regrets they didn’t burn the whole thing to the ground. That would be a smaller loss to America than even one looted Wal-Mart. Now they’ve fortified the place with razor wire so those filthy demos won’t show their faces in the Temple of Democracy ever again.

People on the Right were quick to condemn the Capitol incursion and equate it with BLM/Antifa rioting. This condemnation proves that people on the right are decent; unlike leftists, we police our fringes, and we really don’t like to see people who are ostensibly on our side behaving like animals. But by equating the Capitol break-in with arson and terrorism, these commentators gave up a lot of moral ground. They should have been saying, yeah, this conduct is bad, but BLM/Antifa is worse, and worst of all is Congress. They deserve to be terrorized a little.

But then some on the right went farther than condemning the rioters. Whether out of sub-retard moral confusion or simple cowardice these people accepted the election result as legitimate. They literally dropped the whole argument on which civilization briefly hinged, because some guy in a horned helmet showed his ass at the Capitol.

David Bernstein at Instapundit posted to this effect:

  • The riot at the Capitol was totally unjustified.
  • There is no evidence the election was stolen.
  • The rioters must be punished for their crimes.
  • Everyone on the right should be ashamed, especially Trump.

If I was Glenn Reynolds, I would yank that post, blackball Bernstein, and write a groveling apology to my readers. But Glenn didn’t do that. Then Day By Day Cartoon called Instapundit a cuck, and Glenn came back with something along the lines of “That’s what they want you to think.”

Here’s what I want to think. I want to think that Glenn Reynolds was and remains a staunch, loyal ally of the right. I want to think he is grateful for the fame and fortune he garnered from hundreds of thousands of readers. I want to think Glenn Reynolds could never be intimidated, would never waver in his principles.

You can’t always get what you want. I don’t think any of those things.

Glenn Reynolds is a coward, a traitor to his readers and his country. He’s a grifter every bit as bad as Bill Kristol. He’s a shameless, psychopathic midwit with pretensions of grandeur.

I’ve removed Instapundit and PJMedia from my blogroll and rotation. Sorry guys, you are nowhere near interesting or funny enough to put up with this kind of shit. If I want to raise my blood pressure, I can always go to Salon.

Fuck you, Glenn. I won’t be back.

Final Word!