Witnessed on the Internet

(Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck! Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck!
Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck! Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck!
Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck! Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck!
Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck! Ka-Doom-Boom Chuck!)

Rest my case, you Got a ugly face
Now I gon’
Steam yo fat ass in some Bouilla-fuckin-baisse

Whatever you
Think your argument is not sufFIcient
Your breath
Stinks like a fermentated Fish head

Up with your reading compreHension
Is your brain in an alternate diMension?
Oh yeah you Mentioned…you got deMentia
Now go
Back to your pimp, the one who Sentch ya.

Think the corporations got to Toe the line?
Now they
Limit all the rations and you’re Feeling fine?

Tellin’ you it’s time to pump the Markets
What I’m
Sellin’ you ain’t muthafuckin’ Star-Kist

You be
Playin’ in a state of disarRay
You like a
Stank-ass mule, the way you buck and bray

You wear your mother’s fuckin’ Undies
You got a
Smell like a damn trust-Fundie


May your wife grow fat and stupid!
Get her hooked on OkCupid!

May your Portfolio
Involve Imbroglio!
